A Horror comedy - A tough Jewish contractor, moves with his young wife to a villa he built in an arab village. He dreams of developing the place for the benefit of all its residents and a rapid increase in real estate prices, but receives a cold reception. After a violent incident with some of the neighbours, it seems that his dream is about to shatter on the rocks of reality, but a man like him will not give up and surrender. One night the Line has been crossed once more, and he decides to stand his ground and take his destiny into his own hands.
A Play By Noam Gil
Director: Yigael Sachs
Set and Costume:
Daphne Perez
Lighting: Amir Castro
Video: Ofer Harari
Music: Shushan
Dramaturgy: Gilad Evron
A. Director: Shaked Shneler
Show manager:
Rephael Gatenyo
Sharon Alexander
khalifa natour
Bat Elle Mashian
Minas Qarawany
Atalah Tanous
Video Cast:
Yuval Segal, Maayan Weisberg, Omer Etzion, Maayan Bloom, Yigael Sachs

צילום: שמחה ברבירו
הצופים נשאבים לעלילה המתפתחת ולכל הטוויסטים שלה בנשימה עצורה.
לצד הבימוי הטוב והעלילה המרתקת, יש גם משחק מצויין של כל השחקנים באנסמבל... כל אלה הופכים את ההצגה למצוינת"
אביבה רוזן, מרתה יודעת
בת אל משיאן בראיון בכאן 11
"The play makes conscious and deliberate use of clichés, which equates to a liberating lightness. But beneath it, a satire emerges that gives the public quite a bit of ill will. "Welcome" is not what is known as a "sharp satire", which mostly convinces the convinced, but one that succeeds in a to slowly trickle in, like an infusion that spreads in the mind. The power of the show is above all in precise casting, and a witty direction that is built on timing and goes hand in hand with actors who don't Stop surprising." Merav Yudilevitch/ Habama